Trevor (Copy)

Breed Type
sphynx kittens
Not Hypoallergenic
📅 2024-07-24
Male Male
Litter Box Trained
Litter Box Trained
Health Guarantee
General Health Guarantee: 6 months

Sphynx for sale $100

At, we believe that every pet should be affordable for everyone, which is why we offer Sphynx for sale at a range of prices. For those on a tight budget, we have Sphynx for sale for as little as $100. However, we always recommend investing a bit more to ensure that you are getting a healthy pet that has been well-cared for by its breeder. Our Sphynx for sale for $300 are still affordable, but they come from breeders who have invested time and resources into raising healthy and happy cats.

What is a Sphynx ?

Sphynx kittens are a unique breed of cat known for their lack of fur. They have a distinctive look that sets them apart from other breeds, with wrinkly skin and large ears.Despite their unusual appearance, Sphynx kittens are affectionate and playful pets that make great companions. They’re also highly intelligent and love to play games with their owners.

What Is the Temperament of Sphynx Cats?

Sphynx cats are known for their affectionate and outgoing personalities. They love attention from their owners and enjoy playing games, making them great pets for families.Despite their playful nature, Sphynx cats are also highly intelligent and can be trained to do tricks. They’re social animals and love to interact with people, so they’re perfect for those who want a companion animal.

Sphynx cat Health

When it comes to their health, Sphynx cats require special care due to their lack of fur. Without fur, they can be more susceptible to cold weather, sunburn, and skin conditions. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that you get your Sphynx kitten from an ethical breeder who prioritizes their health and well-being. The ethical breeders listed on our website take great care to ensure that their Sphynx kittens are healthy and happy.

Sphynx for sale $100