
Breed Type
sphynx kittens
Not Hypoallergenic
📅 2024-11-15
Female Female
Litter Box Trained
Litter Box Trained
Health Guarantee
General Health Guarantee: 6 months


Sphynx cat rescue

If you’re looking for a new furry friend to add to your family, you might want to consider the Sphynx cat breed. Known for their unique hairless appearance and loving personality, Sphynx cats make great pets for many households. At, we specialize in connecting potential pet owners with ethical Sphynx cat breeders, as well as providing helpful information about the breed and Sphynx cat rescue options.If you’re interested in rescuing a Sphynx cat, the first step is to search for Sphynx cat rescue organizations near you. There are many websites and directories that can help you find local rescues, such as

Sphynx cat rescue History

Now, let’s talk about the history and health of the Sphynx cat breed. While they might seem like a new breed, Sphynx cats actually have a long and interesting history. The first hairless cat was reportedly discovered in Mexico in the 1900s, and the Sphynx cat as we know it today was developed in the 1960s through selective breeding. Since then, the breed has become increasingly popular and is now recognized by many cat registries around the world.

Temperament of Sphynx kittens

Finally, let’s talk about the temperament of Sphynx kittens. These cats are known for their outgoing and affectionate personalities, and they thrive on human attention and interaction. They are generally very social and get along well with other cats and dogs, making them a great choice for multi-pet households. However, because they are so people-oriented, they can become lonely and bored if left alone for long periods of time.

Sphynx cat rescue